Success Criteria

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What is success?

The westedinburghinformation website is an integral part of the Western Neighbourhood Network and the Voluntary Sector Forum Priority to reduce the sense of isolation in the community.

Local Groups regard the website as a useful vehicle for publicising their activities and links in well with other information available to encourage people to participate in their community.
Individuals regard the website as a useful source of signposting information in their search for local Community information.

The Website will enable people to find local information on community activities that makes it easier to identify relevant opportunities to attend activities, community organisations and follow up on volunteering opportunities that helps them (participate in their local Community) live better lives. How will we measure this?

There should be a facility to allow easy and quick amendment of pages by organisations
There should be a facility for individuals to ask for information on groups available in the area,.

Evaluation surveys show that users find the site useful and that the navigation system is understandable and easy to follow


Regular inputs and updates are provided by local organisations

The Local Directory is updated in line with the relevant clauses in the Management Process guidelines

The website should be viewed xxx times a week.

The number of organisations that keep it updated should be 10% of the total in a six month period.

Evaluation methods
Feedback from groups of anyone who contacts their group and mentions the website as their source of information
Agenda item on some meetings of VSF and WNN (include questions for feedback)
Is it possible to have a survey on the website? Yes


A retired couple having mobility and memory issues. They want to find lunch clubs with transport and dementia support. They have a Android tablet and a basic smartphone.

A young family who have moved into the area. They need an after-school club and playgroup to help them with child care as they both work. They have a laptop and smartphone and use social media extensively.

A person in their 20’s has recently moved into the area and wants to find like-minded people who enjoy the outdoors and Yoga. Only has a smartphone

A retired person needs to do something to occupy their time and provide mental stimulation and exercise. They have a laptop.

A person in their 50s without technology and a basic phone for texting and calls. 

A person who has moved here from another country and wants to find things to do in West Edinburgh.